Tuesday, 10 March 2009


I'll be giving my dissertation in soon, it still needs a final 'polish' and proof reading, but I'd appreciate comments about the content if anyone has time to have a look.

The final title is Reimagining Faith and Church in the ’Verse: A dialogue between Joss Whedon’s Firefly and contemporary understandings of belief, ministry and mission.

Here are the links to pdf copies of the four key chapters

Chapter 2 Exploring Mal's loss of faith (188 kb)
Chapter 3 Is Shepherd Book a missional figure? (268 kb)
Chapter 4 The two fanfics + a critique (113 kb)
Chapter 5 Reimagining the church (133 kb)


Kj said...


I discovered your blog while doing research for a paper on Shepherd Book that I and a co-author presented at the American & Popular Culture Association's Southwest conference two weeks ago. Our paper presents the psychological framework of fundamentalism as a way to read the "text" of Shepherd Book's words, choices and actions.

As a Divnity student investigating PhD options myself, I am very curious about your dissertation. I would love to send you our paper- i think you'd push back a lot on our approach, but I'd love the dialogue. Or if you want to keep it around for a post-dissertation rainy day.

my email is: write.to.kj@gmail.com

best of luck with the big work ahead.

Julie said...

Thanks kj, I'd be really interested in reading your paper and have sent you an email accordingly.

Pete Lev said...

Hi Julie
Glad your dissertation is coming together. I have the "Serenity" movie recorded to watch sometime, probably after March 31st!
Still working on my dissertation, but hopefully should get done in time...

Paul Lytle said...

Glad I stumbled over your blog. I'm anxious to read this (you know, when I'm not at work).

I just published a book on Christianity in Firefly and Serenity. I have a chapter up at my website, http://www.paullytle.com/books/, if you want to take a look. Let me know what you think!

-Paul Lytle

Anonymous said...

i just found this online and am very excitied about reading it.. from both a fans perspective and a religious studies student's perspective. thank you!!